Gli obiettivi dello studio longitudinale e multinazionale sono stati presentati dalla prof.ssa Venera Tomaselli, docente di Statistica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche.
Il CoEHAR valuterà l’aderenza a lungo termine e l’efficacia di prodotti alternativi al fumo di sigaretta convenzionale nel ridurre o far smettere di fumare. Come obiettivo secondario, gli effetti a lungo termine sulla salute umana saranno confrontati con gli effetti del fumo di sigaretta convenzionale soprattutto in soggetti affetti da gravi malattie fumo-correlate.
Nei prossimi giorni, sarà lanciata una RFP (Requests for proposal) ovvero un offerta di richiesta pubblica aperta a tutte le aziende di Research Marketing con la richiesta di presentare una proposta progettuale che possa supportare i ricercatori catanesi in questo studio studio di monitoraggio e valutazione.
“Ambizioso e rivoluzionario” – così i partecipanti all’incontro hanno definito il progetto di ricerca che per la prima volta in Europa fornirà definitivamente i dati sulla diffusione dei prodotti a rischio ridotto e consentirà agli esperti di tutto il mondo di stabilire l’impatto del loro utilizzo sulla salute pubblica europea.
In the past few days, a meeting with the exponents of the most important European Research Marketing companies has been held in Catania, upon the invitation of prof. Riccardo Polosa (director of the CoEHAR – the Italian Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction).
This survey will not just evaluate the changes in the market of nicotine products but will also assess the impact of the use of low-risk products on human health.
During the meeting, the most important points of the project were clarified: design and methodology of the survey, selection criteria for the countries based on the penetration of new generation products, number of surveys in five years, sample size, incentive strategies to maximize adherence throughout the study, and the innovative methodologies to be used (eg. dedicated app, gamification, etc) to ensure that this data collection becomes a real reference point for researchers from all over the world.
A project that falls within the scope of the activities that CoEHAR is carrying out together with the researchers of the University of Catania with the aim of understanding the impact of these products. The objectives of the longitudinal and multinational study were presented by Prof. Venera Tomaselli, professor of Statistics at the Department of Political Sciences.
The CoEHAR will evaluate the long-term adherence and efficacy of alternative products to conventional cigarette in reducing or quitting smoking. As a secondary objective, the long-term effects on human health will be compared with the effects of conventional cigarette, especially in individuals suffering from serious smoking-related illnesses.
In the next coming days, an RFP will be launched (Request for proposals) addressed to all Research Marketing companies with the request to present a project proposal that can support the CoEHAR researchers in this monitoring and evaluation study.
“Ambitious and revolutionary” – this was the definition given by the participants to the research project that for the first time in Europe will definitively provide data on the diffusion of low risk products and will allow experts from all over the world to establish the impact of their use on European public health.